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Library Resources for S163 Social Problems: Finding Articles

This guide lists some basic information resources for Social Problems S163

Why use periodical articles?

Articles that appear in periodicals--such as newspapers, magazines, or scholarly journals--are good resources to use in your research.  You can use periodical articles to support an argument, to explain a topic, or to provide additional perspectives on an issue.

Why do I have to use a database to find an article?

The library subscribes to databases to provide access to periodical articles.  The content contained in these databases are typically not freely available on the internet.  You have to pay to get access to them.  But with an article database, the library is paying for that access for you.  That's why you have to go through the database to get the articles.

Don't ever pay to download an article from the internet--talk to a librarian, and we can more than likely get you a copy of the article at no charge to you.  That's what libraries do! 


Book a Librarian!

There are many ways a librarian can help and many reasons why you might want to meet with us. Here are just some of the reasons to Book a Librarian today:

  • You need help finding relevant databases for the research you're doing.
  • You wonder...what the heck is a database?
  • You need help brainstorming keywords because you aren't having any luck on your initial searches. 
  • You need help understanding what keywords are and how to use them. 
  • You already met with a librarian but you need more help on the same (or a new) research project.
  • You want to brush up on your research skills and want a general overview to prepare you for the inevitable research paper (duh duh duh!!)