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Beginner's Guide to Databases and IUCAT Searching: Searching IUCAT (the library catalog)

This guide is designed to help you conduct database and IUCAT searches.

What is IUCAT?

IUCAT is the online catalog for all Indiana University libraries.  IUCAT tells you what the IUS Library owns, and it tells you what all other IU libraries own. If there is an item that you want, and we don't have it here at IUS, but some other IU library does own it, you can have it sent to you through IUCAT.

Searching IUCAT

Step 1: Connect to IUCAT. Login using your IU username and password (the same login you use for all other IU systems). If you are accessing IUCAT from off-campus, you will need to select the Southeast campus when prompted, and you may also be prompted to login twice.

Step 2: Decide what kind of search you need to do.

  • Are you searching for a known item--like a specific book, or a specific author--or do you just have a topic? If you have a known item, you can conduct a title search or an author search in the appropriate field.
  • If you are starting with a topic to search, use the keywords you generated by following the steps on the Preparing to Search tab, and type one of these keywords in the Keyword Anywhere field.


Step 3: Once you click search, you will be presented with a list of results. You can click on the title of each result to get the full record, which tells you more information about that item, including the call number.

Subject Guide

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Maria Accardi
LB 217