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Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Home

This Lib Guide contains links to children's books and resources to support the National Science Teachers Association's publication, Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan.

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Picture-Perfect Science Lessons Series

NSTA Picture Perfect Science

The Picture Perfect Science program includes the four main components of teaching science specific to elementary grade levels including the 5E model, picture books, inquiry, and engineering.

The BSCS 5E model helps students fully grasp scientific concepts using phases starting with engaging, exploring, explaining, elaborating, and ending with an evaluation.

Picture books allow students to view photos, illustrations, and diagrams that provide a deeper understanding of the scientific concepts they are learning. With interesting storylines, your students are more likely to remember these abstract concepts than they would with a regular textbook.

With the inquiry component, students have some of their first interactions with collaboration. The inquiry process is guided by the teacher and the students lead the discussions along with the procedures, most of the time without realizing they are in charge of their own learning.

The engineering component allows students to use their imagination and involve themselves in practices of identifying problems, creating and using models and finding solutions, while linking science and engineering.

The Picture Perfect Science books provide so many resources including teacher notes, student pages, internet resources, assessments, suggestions, and so much more.

Logo of Picture-Perfect in green and SCIENCE in light blue and medium blue and teal


Summary by: Sydney Bolton