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A guide to OA publishing options

Open Access Publishing Agreements

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) has negotiated agreements with publishers for free open access publishing to support researchers in sharing their scholarly output.  IU Southeast authors are able to publish research articles as open access in these publisher’s gold OA (all open access) or hybrid (authors can specify whether to publish as OA) journals.

Cambridge University Press Read & Publish Agreement

As of January 2025, IU Southeast authors are eligible to publish with no membership fees (also known as Article Processing Charges or APCs) with Cambridge University Press.

Eligible dates & Expiry

To qualify for no-cost OA publication, the article must be accepted between January 2024 and December 2026 and have a responsible corresponding author from IU Southeast (other IU campuses are also eligible).

Journal Access

The agreement includes full access to read the entire portfolio of Cambridge University Press journals content.

Open Access Publishing Opportunities 

The deal covers open access publishing of research articles at no extra cost to you in all gold (100+ titles) and hybrid journals (300+ titles). Authors should select gold OA publishing and choose a Creative Commons license when signing their Author Agreement.  The Creative Commons License Chooser can help you determine which license is right for you.

If you do not select open access at this point, you will have the opportunity to make your article open access at a later point in the process. When you receive a follow-up email after submitting your Author Agreement, that email should contain information giving you the option to publish Open Access by executing an addendum form. You can make your article open access even if it has already been published, as long as it was accepted for publication during the term of the agreement (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026).

What do I need to do to participate?

You must identify yourself as affiliated with Indiana University and use your institutional email address as part of the publishing workflow. You must be the corresponding author for the article to be eligible.

What if I don't want to publish open access?

You can still publish your article, even if you do not wish to use this open access option. You can opt-out of the agreement if you wish. If you do not choose to publish open access you may deposit the peer reviewed manuscript in IUScholarWorks subject to an embargo period determined by the Cambridge University Press green open access policy for journals.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Contact if you have further questions or need assistance with the process.

You can find more information at OA Agreement - Big Ten Academic Alliance | Cambridge University Press.