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B232 Library Instruction: Book a Librarian

Click the image below to book an in-person or virtual session with a librarian.

If you don't see availability that fits your schedule, Click here

What Can I Get Help with During These Sessions?

There are many ways a librarian can help and many reasons why you might want to meet with us. Here are just some of the reasons to Book a Librarian today:

  • You need help finding relevant databases for the research you're doing.
  • You wonder...what the heck is a database?
  • You need help brainstorming keywords because you aren't having any luck on your initial searches. 
  • You need help understanding what keywords are and how to use them. 
  • You already met with a librarian but you need more help on the same (or a new) research project.
  • You want to brush up on your research skills and want a general overview to prepare you for the inevitable research paper (duh duh duh!!)
