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Getting to Graduation with Belonging and a Growth Mindset: FACET Team

Resources to support faculty and students interested in fostering a sense of belonging and a growth mindset to foster persistence (grit) to graduation so that all students can b successful. Success = effort + strategies + help from others (Yeager, 2013)



8 October

Melanie Hughes and team members were invited to present to Interfaith Paths to Peace by Executive Director Jud Hendrix for Louisville: Beloved City.

Google Slides


21 February

Donna Dahlgren and Melanie Hughes presented Math Mindsets at the 35th Annual Conference on the First Year Experience, Orlando, FL

18 April

Melanie Hughes, Erica Adams, and Caroline Turcotte present Belongingness at the Illinois/Indiana TRIO Professional Development Conference, IL  (Ron Allman produced the Video, Donna Dahlgrenprovided student supervision, design, data analysis)



30 January

Tom Keefe presented at FACET (Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching) Innovation retreat, IU Southeast. 

14 August

Melanie Hughes and Tom Keefe presented, Transitioning Students to a Growth Mindset, at the IU Southeast Faculty In-Service

Prezi Slides


2014-2016 FACET Leadership Team

Ron Allman, Professor of Journalism

Donna Dahlgren, Professor of Psychology, First Year Seminar Director

Melanie Hughes, Associate Librarian

Thomas Keefe, Professor of Business, Human Resource Management

In 2017, Dr. Emily Suh, Assistant Professor of Education, joined the researchers.  Dr. Suh is now at Texas State San Marcos.


Suh, E. K., Dahlgren, D. J., Hughes, M. E., Keefe, T. J., and Allman, R. J. (2019?). Conditions for Success: Fostering First-Year Students’ Growth Mindset in Developmental Mathematics, Journal of the First-Year Experience. (Accepted for Publication.)

Conditions for Success: Fostering First
Year Students’ Growth Mindset in Developmental



31 July

Belongingness Intervention for Summer Collegiate Institute Indiana University Southeast.

  • Students and Peer-Mentors watched a 7-minute video featuring IU Southeast students discussing how they gained a sense of belonging on campus.  They then summarized the video, wrote about how they gained a sense of belonging in their own life, then gave advice to other students on how to increase a feeling of belonging on campus.


Success Advice Intervention for math students