For first time users, please watch our orientation video and then fill out a reservation form to reserve a kit (or kits).
For questions, please call (812) 941-2277, or send an email to
More information on Reservations:
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue will take place on the Indiana University Southeast campus on Wednesday, May 21, 12PM-1PM in the Library, Third Floor, IQ Wall, 4201 Grant Line Road. There is free admission and lunch featuring international cuisine. Registration is required. register online at .
The Center for Cultural Resources (CCR) at Indiana University Southeast is a special collection that is part of the IU Southeast Curriculum Materials Center, available for the community, Education students, area teachers, and others involved in diversity education. The Center is open to all persons who have attended a brief orientation session for use in reserving kits.
The Center’s 60+ resource kits contain readings, curriculum guides, lesson plans, books, primary sources, artifacts, technological resources, graphic media, and picture files. The materials within each kit are organized around the following universal themes:
The Center is located on the first floor of the Library between the art gallery and the group study rooms.
The CCR also has special kits entitled CCR: Center Circulating Resources designed for instructional bulletin boards and displays: Topics include FDF Fashion Dolls and Fans, EEG Etiquette of Eating & Greeting, WWC Walls & Warriors of China, COI Coins from around the World (packets), TUS Travel in US and JWT Journals from World Travels, ORS One Room Schools, MLP Miss Liberty and Patriotism, EOG Eyes on Egypt (papyrus prints) and others.
Most items on display throughout the CCR that are not included in kits—artifacts, garments, maps, timelines, posters, books, research files and a stage—are also available and may be added to related kit reservations. Some items cannot be delivered via WEC vans.
At times CCR receives duplicate gifts that are made available for classrooms. Check the CCR World Areas Gift Boxes to select free gifts for educational use.
Germany Stein
Center for Cultural Resources
IU Southeast Library, 1st Floor
4201 Grant Line Road
New Albany, IN 47150
Melanie Hughes
(812) 941-2145
Libbie McMahan
(812) 941-2277