Japan is a beautiful country with over 126,529,100 people living there as of 2018. Located off the coast of Asia, Japan is made up of over 6,000 islands, collectively known as the Japanese archipelago. Rich with history, people from all over the world travel to Japan to visit shrines, castles, hot springs, modern attractions, and religious sites relating to Shinto and Buddhism.
This landing page was edited by Alex Stanhope, Autumn White, and Betsy at Indiana University Southeast in 2020 as part of a class project.
There are 3 kits for Japan in the CCR.
Japan Primary Level Kit (JA-1)- This kit contains dozens of artifacts including dolls, pots, fans, utensils, artwork, clothes, toys, and games geared toward students in the classroom.
Japan Intermediate Level Kit (JA-2)- This kit contains dozens of artifacts including dolls, pots, fans, utensils, artwork, clothes, toys, and games geared toward engaging students in the classroom.
Japan Upper Level Kit (JA-3)- This kit is designed for higher grade levels. In addition to dolls, pots, fans, utensils, artwork, clothes, toys, and games, this kit also contains sculptures of Buddha, artifacts relating to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Japanese menus.
Each kit consists of 1 container of artifacts, and 1 container of resources based on the universal 12 themes plus a book bag.
(1) https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=JP