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Persistent Links & Proxy Link Generator: DOI

This guide provides information about creating links to library resources for use in Canvas and/or your syllabus.

Using a DOI to create a link

Most of our major publisher collections (e.g. Elsevier ScienceDirect, Sage, and Wiley) provide article DOI's.

DOIs are Document Object Identifiers that are unique to each specific article. From the article you want to provide access:

  • Click on the article title to obtain the complete bibliographic record.
  • Find the DOI on the page and copy it (making sure to include only the numbers).


 DOI Location Image


  • In addition to the proxy prefix, you will need to add the DOI resolver, so the complete link will have our proxy prefix, a DOI resolver, and the DOI number. 

Here is an example with all of the parts:

DOI URL Example


This Persistent Links & Proxy Link Generator LibGuide is based on a Rutgers University Libraries Persistent Links LibGuide (which is no longer publicly available, but which had a URL of  The proxy link generator was created at the IU Kokomo Library.