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Persistent Links & Proxy Link Generator: Adding a proxy prefix

This guide provides information about creating links to library resources for use in Canvas and/or your syllabus.

How to obtain a link

Many library databases provide persistent links to articles. Unfortunately, database vendors employ different linking strategies. We have tried to provide directions for some of our heavily used databases and formats. Please contact a librarian if the directions you need are not here.


Please note that vendor database content may change from time to time. Although article links may be persistent, it is possible they may not be permanent. For this reason, you are encouraged to test your links regularly and update them as needed.

We also suggest you use a different browser to test the persistent link with proxy prefix.  For example, generate the link in Firefox, and then copy and paste it in Chrome to make sure that the link is working properly.  Why?  You may have logged in on Firefox earlier.  The link may therefore stop working when that login information is not longer stored temporarily in your browser.  Testing the link in a different browser ensures that such information does not interfere with the testing of the persistent link.

Vendors, Publishers, and DOI's

We have tried to provide instructions for our major database vendors, including EBSCO.  In addition, several other vendors and most publishers use an article DOI number (Document Object Identifier).  We have tried to present several methods of creating a persistent link. If you are not sure which instructions to use or the database you need is not listed, please contact us.

Create proxied links for off-campus users

For persistent links to work from off-campus, this proxy prefix must be added to the beginning of the URL link:

Simply add the prefix to the front of the URL yourself or use the proxy link generator in the box below.

An example of a persistent link with IU Southeast's proxy prefix looks like the following:

(Myrick, J. G. (2015). Emotion regulation, procrastination, and watching cat videos online: Who watches Internet cats, why, and to what effect?. Computers In Human Behavior, 52168-176. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.06.001)

Note that freely available resources do NOT need to be proxied (e.g. government publications, websites, etc.).  If you add our proxy prefix to a URL and get the error message below, contact a librarian for help.

Proxy Error Message Image


This Persistent Links & Proxy Link Generator LibGuide is based on a Rutgers University Libraries Persistent Links LibGuide (which is no longer publicly available, but which had a URL of  The proxy link generator was created at the IU Kokomo Library.